Sunday, October 08, 2006

It's Not My Problem-- It's Yours

I don't hide it. I am a very outspoken person. But you have to admit, when it comes to being outspoken about ideas and beliefs-- I'm not even close to the top of the list of people who should really just shut the heck up.

Though, this week it seems like several people have taken it upon themselves to mention that they think I am some kind of a social cancer. So you think I'm annoying, looking for a fight, or just outright offensive? Oh, darn. I really don't care what you think.

You see, I treat others the way I want to be treated-- it's the Christian way, right? And I promote openness. So say what you want about me... I, unlike many others, will just laugh it off.

Seriously, there is not a personal alive who can open their mouth without annyoing or offending someone. We might as well walk around with duct tape over our mouths, so we can't talk.

Well, that won't work, because I can still wrote or type or signal my thoughts. You might as well just eliminate communication all together. It's the only solution.

(Wow, that was a short entry. Perhaps I should find an anecdote, or ramble on about some other topics. Ahh... nevermind, it's Midterms this week... better not burn 'em all up now.)


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