Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Get Off Your Flip(pin') Phone

So I have taken a couple weeks off. I'm sorry. But I must say, I enjoyed my time away from Omaha-- like I always do.

But while I was away, some struck my ire. And now that I have few moments (believe me, life has been non-stop since I got home), I'd love to talk about it.

As part of my trip, I took some time to go to Gettysburg. You know, big battleground, lots of people died during the Civil War... and all for shoes. Seriously, the three-day battle of Gettysburg was fought over shoes-- check the history books.

I'm not sure if many of you have been to Gettysburg, but I'm sure almost all of you have heard of it. And as such, you know that there is a huge national cemetery there.

Now, I'm not the most patriotic person in the world-- in fact many people razz me about being 'Openly Canadian'. But I know, when you get to a battlefield-- especially a cemetery, you show your respects for the men who died. They fought for a cause, there is not question about it. Even those who fight on the side of evil (Confederates, Nazis, Crusaders) they fought for something they believed-- and that deserves respect.

So, I think we can all agree, when you walk into a cemetery-- and pretty much anytime you around history-- you remove your hat, you don't goof off or joke around, and YOU TURN YOUR CELL PHONE OFF!

How disrespectful can you be? OK, the person in the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg-- who missed the sign asking everyone to turn their phones off-- that upset me a little. But the moron walking through the cemetery at Gettysburg-- deserves the fate of everyone who rests in peace, there.

You must think awfully high of yourself to think that you are above courtesy, and that you can never be too far away from your cell phone. Here's a little hint: if you think you are going to need to be on the phone at a given time-- coordinate your schedule around it. If you have a conference call with someone that day, it probably is not the best day for you to go visit museums or similar settings.

You are probably the same people who refuse to turn your phones off on airplanes. I'm not sure if I believe the dangers of having your cell phone on, while on a plane-- but rules are rules, and rules are for everyone.

Sure, it's great to have this technology where, no matter where you go-- with the possible exception of the resort I was at in Pennsylvania-- you can be in contact with friends, family, and work. But it is not a free pass to do as you wish. It just leaves the honus of respect and courtesy in your hands.


At 26/10/06 9:57 AM, Blogger vcthree said...

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At 29/10/06 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if you are a doctor on call, you set the phone to vibrate mode. We went to my cousin's wedding about 15 or 16 years ago. She was a lovely vision in white walking down the aisle to meet her groom. The two met at the end of the aisle and turned to walk up to the altar. The groom had one of those old fashioned huge honkers of a cell phone stuck in the back pocket of his tuxedo. At that point we were all sure she was marrying a drug dealer.

At 30/10/06 1:46 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Of course, I would have to question why a doctor who is on-call would be at Gettysburg. It's one of a few places where there is absolutely no excuse for it.

And I would think a doctor would know how to put his phone on vibrate. I mean, if his phone rang at a golf course, he'd look pretty funny going in for surgery with a putter up his...

At 30/10/06 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the confusion, I wasn't thinking of Gettysburg in particular when I posted that as much as I was just thinking about places that I've been when I shouldn't have heard a cell phone. Like church or the Community Playhouse or a graduation ceremony. I understand there are people who are more important than me who need to be available at a moments notice, and I totally agree, cell phones off at Gettysburg.

At 30/10/06 11:11 PM, Blogger Sam said...

Cell phones should be off when you go to the theatre, as well. Seriously, if you think you're going to be called in-- don't make yourself unavailable... more accurately, don't take yourself somewhere where you're inconvenient.


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