Monday, March 05, 2007

I'm Going To London!

It's the first weekend of March, and it did nothing but snow all week. The big snow of last weekend was really a bunch of hype-- I think we got 5 inches, all of it early enough Sunday to keep schools from closing. But Thursday we got 12 more inches-- that even closed down the U... but it's really no shock why.

Four days later, it's Sunday now, and the plows have just now cleared the street out front of my house.

Somebody explain this to me...

The City of Omaha mandates that homeowners clear public sidewalks within 24 hours of the last snow or face fines. Yet, four days later and I'm still waiting for a snowplow!

Brilliant. Really, it's more ridiculous than you can imagine. I have spent the better part of the last two days digging cars out of the snow, pushing them into driveways-- you know... earning good karma points. Though, I did see a plow in my neighbourhood yesterday... PLOW UP!

Apparently the plows can randomly choose where they wish to plow. How do I know this? Because up around the corner from my house was a 5-foot high, 8-foot deep snow drift... blocking the entire street.

Like, the plow went up hill one way, piled the snow there. The went up the hill the other way, and piled the snow in the same place. It was the Berlin Wall of snow drifts. 'No, I'm sorry, you can't go there anymore-- you are cut off from there and anything that may be there-- family, cars, jobs, duckies...'

So, what better time than now to talk about my Spring Break plans?

As you can tell, I'm headed to London... Ontario, that is.

Actually, I'm going to Detroit-- but who really wants to say they're going to Detroit for Spring Break? You want to make it soud like you're going some place fun, right? South Padre Island... Estes Park... Cabo San Lucas... somewhere exotic. Of course, if I wanted to impress people I could say I'm going to East Beirut...

Beirut... Detroit... same difference. Just sounds like I'm going someplace semi-nice to say I'm leaving the country.

...And I am. I'm headed up to Detroit with Dave, Glen, and Chaz-- my associates in producing the Mike Kemp Show-- for the CCHA Final Four. While we're up there we intend to head across the border to that beautiful land of free socialized health care to the north.

Chaz is looking at going to film school at the University of Western Ontario in London, so we're indulging him by taking advantage of the proximity to where we will be. We'll take an extra day, enjoy the clean air of the Great White North and if the spirit moves us, maybe do some work.

OK, is anybody else thinking what I'm thinking? Western Ontario-- London? When I think Western Ontario, I think Kenora, Thunder Bay, at least Sault Ste. Marie.

London? That's more south-central. Hell, I think it's slightly south of Detroit. There is definately like 600 miles of Ontario west of London. That's 1000 kilometers for those of you on the metric system. I think London is actually closer to Quebec than it is to Manitoba.

Just don't go there if you want to major in Geography.

OK, Detroit isn't that bad of a place. And believe me in my last visit there I survived walking the streets downtown at 3 in the morning. I also survived an accidental visit to the 8-Mile. Yes, THAT 8-Mile.

Fortunately the people responsible for those adventures will not be traveling with me this time.

So there you have it. My plans for Spring Break. See you in London.


At 6/3/07 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No the walking tour of Detoit guides will be next door. Tune in to this blog the week of March 19th....

At 8/3/07 12:55 AM, Blogger Sam said...

If I'm not mistaken (Jen)-- Puh and I were the ones who got us within 50 feet of the car.


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