Sunday, July 09, 2006

Have You No Decency?

Contrary to popular belief, I'm not this high-strung, self-centered prick. In fact, when it comes to me, I like to think I'm fairly laid-back (I'm not as laid back as some, but more each day I get closer).

But fuck with my friends, and it is on.

Last week, Specialist Jeremy Jones of Omaha died in Iraq. I wouldn't call Jeremy a close friend, but he is a hockey teammate from my high school days. This weekend, Jeremy was laid to rest here in Omaha, and some asshole bible-beaters protested his funeral.

Have you no respect for the dead? What give you the right to protest the funeral of a soldier? What possible reason could you have to disrupt the final respects of friends and family?

There is no excuse. The worse part is, they weren't even protesting our participation in the conflict of the Middle East. The protesters claim that God hates America because we support homosexuals.

Are you shitting me? First of all, I would make the arguement that the President is doing everything he can to eliminate homosexuality in this country. He tried to ban same-sex marriages, where the hell have you been?

Fuck you. In fact, men step to the right, women to the left-- the men will be serviced by Harvey Fierstein and the cast of Queer Eye For the Straight Guy, and the women will be paid a visit by Ellen DeGeneres and Melissa Etheridge. They're queer, they're here... GET USED TO IT.

If you can't deal with freedom, and the right for people to choose their own life partners... LEAVE. In fact, why don't you go to Iraq and North Korea with the rest of the people who hate America-- you're obviously not happy here, so your best option is to find a place where your moronic beliefs are accepted. That place is not here.

The two concepts are not related in any way. If you truly believe our soldiers are being smited by God, then your God is not worth living for. I do not care to worship a being of any kind who kills other people. Besides, the vengeful God is the Old Testiment (Hebrew) God. Christians believe in the New Testiment and a Loving God.

You expect us to take you seriously when you can't even get your core beliefs right? Pull your heads out of your asses, take a look at the world around you, and accept it for what it is. You're so goddamn hung up on trying to get into heaven that you have failed to realize that we are already there. Heaven isn't a place on Earth... Earth is a part of heaven.

Jeremy Jones has been granted an eternity in heaven. Someplace else awaits those who refuse to let him rest in peace. Your problem is not with Jeremy or any other soldier or citizen of this world, it is with yourself.

R.I.P. J.J.


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