If this place is so bad, then... go back thee from wence thou came. (OK, just setting the tone for this entry strightaway.)
I don't expect everybody to understand where I am coming from to make the following comments. And I know the people who should really take note haven't found this blog... yet. But I know I have a right to speak mymind on this, and so, as you know I love to do-- I speak from experience.Let Mortal Tongues Awake... I have stayed silent on this topic for way too long, and I think it is only fitting that I speak now. Today, is the second day of July... the day after Canada Day, and two days before Independence Day in the United States (though, it is very possible that by the time I finish, it will be the day before). The significance of noting what day it is, is that I celebrate both holidays. And it should be noted that I am an America, and do not have dual citizenship with Canada. However, I have been a Canadian resident, with all the bells and whistles that come with legal documentation.
I wonder if our Latino "guest workers" understood that.
Oh Canada, Our Home and Native Land... Home. A novel concept. But where is your home? I have called many cities home, including Chicago, Omaha, Ames, Syracuse, Cincinnati, and Winnipeg. And yet, despite currently residing in Omaha, I still consider Winnipeg my home. For two years, there was no question-- that was where I lived. I felt I belonged there. I was welcomed as a guest into the homes of people who barely knew me, and they became family to me. I felt more welcomed in Winnipeg than I ever have in Omaha. And I could never turn my back on people-- on a country-- that opened their arms to welcome me.
Who More Than Self Their Country Loved... National Pride. This is a time to celebrate where you live. Now, why would we love where we live? Freedom. Opportunity. Two things which thrive in both the United States and Canada. Are the two countries identical? No. But they are two of-- if not the two-- least restrictive countries on the planet. Six years ago I was given the opportunity to further my career in hockey. That opportunity took me to Canada, where I lost none of the freedoms I enjoy at home. Where else is that possible? It's not possible anywhere else in the world. What a great situation.
Other Nations May Deem Their Flags The Best And Cheer Them With Fervid Elation, But The Flag Of The North And South And West Is The Flag Of Flags, The Flag Of Freedom's Nation... Yet, our guest workers have an even better situation. They come to this land of opportunity, and gain freedoms they don't have in their native lands. It's the reason most of them are here. But so many of them make it about themselves. They don't understand the gift they are getting-- they're more interested in a better life, and more money-- and then show no respect for their home... this nation. They drive around in cars labled with "Viva Mexico", cheer against the Americans when they play their native lands (OK, that's debatable, but in a sense of pride for both homelands... just hope for an excellent match and be proud no matter who wins), and only wrap themselves in the Stars and Stripes when it is to their benefit. "Ask not what your country can do for you... ask what you can do for your country."
This Land Was Made For You And Me... By no means am I saying that guest workers are not welcomed here. Far from it. Please, move here, join us. That is what this land is about. Since the very beginning, this great nation has become a place where diverse cultures have come together as one, united under a common cry for freedom. But also do not forget that despite the lack of an official language, there is custom. My great-grandfather was a German immigrant, and while he spoke nothing but German in his home, when he went to work-- when he was out in the world-- it was English that he spoke. It wasn't just him. It was the accepted culture of many gernations before him. It's not to much to ask... you could get a lot worse in other countries. In Holland, you must take an oath to uphold the Dutch culture, including language. In Mexico, they've just been outright shooting illegal immigrants when they find them. Be thankful for what you have here, and respect it.
God Keep Our Land, Glorious and Free... Oh Canada, We Stand On Guard For Thee.
While The Storm Clouds Gather Far Across The Sea, Let Us Swear Allegiance To A Land That's Free, Let Us All Be Grateful For A Land So Fair, As We Raise Our Voices In A Solemn Prayer... God Bless America.