Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Did you miss me?

Of course you did.

OK, I've been bad. Well, not really. I'm sure some of you think I've been hiding since I defaced the oldest ballpark in the majors-- but I haven't. I just haven't had a chance to update.

I should get a chance to blog more as the semester winds down. We all know my internship pretty much took over my life-- basically if I wasn't in class or at work... or at work... or at work... or at work... ... or at work, I was working on producing the show. I can tell you, though: Last Wednesday night as Chaz and I emerged from the Ice Dungeon (our office at the TV station), we both couldn't help but smile, as the stress of the job is over with. I could tell the stress of editing was taking a toll on Chaz-- I'm not sure if he wanted to strangle me or the computer... but he constantly had this look like he was going to rip his hair out. (Not a fucking word, Matthew!)

Obviously my academics have suffered a little, so I am attempting to catch up there. And I believe I have done so... just in time for finals to be piled on. But I do have a few things on my mind while I'm here.

First of all, to Rush Limbaugh-- shut the hell up, you sorry excuse for a blimp. I'm not sure what makes you think you (or Dr. Laura for that matter) are the know-all, be-all, end-alls of the universe, but I really don't care what you have to say. If it weren't for the damn campus shuttle buses, you might have been spared from this, since I certainly would never listen to your programs, but since I've heard some of your diluted non-sensical blabberings, I'll over a thought or two.

I had the displeasure of listening to the Goodyear Blimp spout off about imigration and the support the Democrats have given to it. Jabba the Hut claims this to be an act of desperation of a dying political party. Desperation? Nothing like kicking someone when they're down, eh? If I'm not mistaken, aren't you a pain-killer dependent racist? How soon he forgets that he was once down a few notches. Maybe the Democrats are not as strong as they once were, but if the Republicans continue to fuck up this country, and parade around like they own the world-- the tables are going to turn rather quickly. The Democrats are a dying party? WRONG-- political support is down all around. Take a look at the President's approval ratings. If you add that rating to Rush's weight, you might break even.

I'm registered Independent, and I am very open-minded to the opinions and ideas of others. But the quickest way to turn me against you is to try and bully people around.

It's called cognitive complexity-- look into it.

Today is the ten-year anniversary of the tragic death of former Cornhusker quarterback Brook Berringer. Even I was a little sad when it happened-- and we all know how much I hate the Huskers.

Of course, there were a couple cheap laughs out of it. There was always the shadow of Tommie Frazier hanging over Berringer. And naturally there was a joke about how Tom Osborne was overheard at the funeral saying: "Tommie would've landed it."

But the classic moment of that evening was the 10-O'clock News on WOWT. When Dave Webber broke down in tears on the air. OK, sad event? Yes. Upsetting? Yes. But for the sports anchor to physically break down over the news only proves how bizzarre the people of Nebraska are. You cry over the death of a 20-plus year old backup quarterback in a plane crash... yet when a young child is abuducted, raped, and brutally murdered you show no emotion? If you cried for Brook, you should have cried for Hank Gathers, you should have shown some emotion for Jiri Fischer, and you certainly should be upset when a defenseless baby dies under any circumstance. So, I'm sorry I found it comical when the lead sports anchor-- someone who represents the macho -isms that are sports-- broke down on the air. People die all the time, it was his time. I just have to ask, was he (or will he be) that emotional when someone in his family dies?

I'll be back soon with a couple full-fledged rants. Among the topis you may see: Ethanol-- not as great as you think, and My Parents-- welcome to 1997.


At 19/4/06 12:43 PM, Blogger vcthree said...

How about that? Guy takes a month off from writing, then comes out the hole by blowing up Rush Limbaugh and slapping Local Sports Guy around a bit. Outstanding.


At 20/4/06 12:33 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Thanks, Vent. It's nice to be noticed. Don't forget, we're coming up on May, so I'm about due to bitchslap Tony George again.


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